How to Follow Up After a Career Fair

Whether you're looking for a summer job, an internship, or your first job after graduation, career fairs are a great place to meet employers face-to-face. However, even if you put in an extensive effort and make a great impression at the fair, without follow-up that effort is wasted. Send a thank you note to anyone you speak to in depth within a day or two after the fair. After that, connect with the recruiters online and continue to express your interest. Staying in touch with the recruiter gives you a better chance of snagging that coveted position. Good luck![1]


EditSending a Thank You Email

  1. Take a few notes after your conversation with the recruiter. When you send your thank you email you want to include something specific that you remember from the conversation. Given that you'll likely talk to many recruiters over the course of the job fair, take a moment to reflect after each interaction and write down the key points in the conversation.[2]
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    • If you told the recruiter you'd do something, such as apply for a job on the company's website, make a note to do that as soon as possible.
    • Reflecting on the conversation may trigger new questions that you want to ask the recruiter. Write those down too – you can include them in your email.
  2. Explore the company's website to find information about the company. When you get home from the career fair, take some time to look at the websites of the companies you're most interested in working for. Take notes of things that catch your eye. You may want to ask questions about them or express interest in them in your email.[3]
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    • On the company's website, look for a tab for press releases or recent news. This is an easy way to get up-to-date on what's going on with the company.
    • Write down the names of managers or department heads who oversee the department you want to work in. You may want to connect with them later on.
  3. Draft a professional and personal email. A thank-you email is relatively brief and has a relatively universal structure. You can use the same basic format for all of your thank you emails – just make sure you send them to the right recruiter. Here's a basic template you can follow:[4]
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    • In the first paragraph, mention the name of the career fair and something you talked to the recruiter about. If you promised to do something, such as apply for a job on the company website, let them know if you've done that. Your first paragraph should be 2 or 3 sentences.
    • In the second paragraph, ask any questions you have based on the conversation or information you gathered from exploring the company's website. If you don't have any questions, mention any particular things that interested you and explain why. Your second paragraph should also be 2 or 3 sentences.
    • In the third paragraph, restate the particular position you're interested in. Mention 2 or 3 things that you think make you a strong candidate for that position, and note that your resume is attached for their reference. This will likely also be 2 or 3 sentences.
    • Include a closing line thanking them again. Let them know when you'll check back in with them. Drop down two lines, then use a professional closing, such as "Best." Drop down another two lines and type your full name.
  4. Add a specific and professional subject line. If the recruiter can't tell specifically what the email is about by glancing at the subject line, they may never even open it. Include the name of the career fair where you met them and thank them for their help.[5]
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    • For example, your subject line might read "Thank you for your help at the Unicorn University Career Fair." You might also write "Quick thank you and follow-up after the Unicorn University Career Fair."
    • Keep your subject line brief and specific. There's no need to include your name or mention that your resume is attached.
  5. Use a more formal email address. The best email address to use for your job search is one with your first and last name, or your initials and last name. If you have a relatively common name that isn't available on the major email services, add your middle initial or a professional descriptor, such as "sales" or "engineer."[6]
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    • If possible, make your email address all one word. For example, "SuzySunshine" or "LunaLovegood."
    • Never use numbers in your email address. They could be construed as your age or the year you were born, and never look as professional.
    • Avoid separating your name with hyphens, underscores, and periods. These are difficult for recruiters to remember since they make your email address more complicated. Underscores may be difficult to see in some inbox layouts. A single period, however, is fine. For example, "Suzy.Sunshine" or "Luna.Lovegood."
  6. Attach your resume to your email. Take a moment to tailor your resume to the specific company where the recruiter works. Then make a PDF copy of that resume to send along with your email. If you already gave the recruiter your resume at the career fair, note in your email that you're merely including it for reference.[7]
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    • Save your resume file with your full name and the word "resume" before you attach it. If you use a generic filename, the recruiter may not be able to locate it again.
  7. Send your email within 48 hours of the career fair. Ideally, you should send thank you emails within 24 hours of the career fair. However, it may take you some time to research companies and pull together your notes and information. As long as your email is thoughtful, polished, and professional, 48 hours is fine.[8]
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    • If the career fair was on a Friday, you may want to wait until Monday to send your email so that it doesn't hit the recruiter's email account over the weekend.
    • Generally, it's most professional to send your email during normal business hours (typically between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.) Earlier in the morning looks better than later in the afternoon.

EditConnecting with Recruiters

  1. Open a LinkedIn account if you don't already have one. Many recruiters make extensive use of LinkedIn. The platform is designed to help you get your name out there and find a new job. You can open an account for free, then set up your profile page by adding information about your education, work experience, and skills.[9]
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    • Keep the information and language on your LinkedIn profile professional. Use a picture of yourself in which you are well-groomed and professionally attired. If you have a recent school photo or graduation photo, that may work.
    • Take a moment to search for people on LinkedIn you might know, but keep in mind that LinkedIn is not a "social" network like Facebook or Instagram. Just because you're friends with someone doesn't mean they'll necessarily add value to your network. On the other hand, connecting with former teachers, bosses, or coworkers is always a good idea.
  2. Search for the recruiter on LinkedIn. The recruiter's business card may have an address for their LinkedIn page on it. If not, you can use the LinkedIn search function to find them. Simply type their name into the search bar.[10]
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    • When you find the profile for the right person, look over it briefly to get some more insight into that recruiter's career history and their work at the company. You may find other things you have in common with the recruiter. For example, they might have graduated from the same school as you.
  3. Send a brief message with your request to connect. Type a brief 2 or 3 sentence message mentioning that you met them at the career fair and would like to connect with them. Mention the name of the career fair specifically, along with the date it took place. You might also include detail about something you talked about to help the recruiter place you.[11]
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    • For example, you might write "Hi Ronda Recruiter! We chatted at the Unicorn University Career Fair on April 1. I'd like to connect with you here to keep up-to-date with any opportunities that may open up in your organization. Thanks!"
    • If you simply send a request to connect without a message, the recruiter likely won't accept your request. Most LinkedIn users don't accept connection requests from people they don't know or have a business relationship with.
  4. Use your LinkedIn to follow companies you're interested in working for. Not only do individuals have profiles on LinkedIn, but companies also do too. By following a company's LinkedIn page, you can stay in the loop about new developments and job openings at that company.[12]
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    • Many executives and business leaders are also "influencers" on LinkedIn. You can follow an influencer's posts without sending a request to connect with them directly. Influencers often write posts about industry developments, ideas, and needs in the workforce. These posts can give you a lot of insight into your chosen field.
    • LinkedIn has videos and other resources that can teach you how to use the network to jumpstart your career. Go to to get started.

EditWriting a Formal Follow-up Letter

  1. Mark a follow-up date on your calendar to send a formal letter. It's appropriate to follow up with a formal letter if you don't hear much from the recruiter after you send your brief thank-you email. Wait about a month if you're not looking to start work for several months. However, if you're hoping to start work in the next month or two, send your letter 10 to 14 days after you send your thank-you email.[13]
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    • You may also want to set a reminder a couple of days before the follow-up date so you have a little more time to draft your letter.
  2. Format your letter in formal business style. Your word processing app likely has templates you can use to create a formal business letter. Address the letter to the recruiter you spoke to at the career fair.[14]
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    • Use a conservative, readable font, such as Times New Roman or Helvetica, in 10- or 12-point size.
  3. Use the information in your email as a starting point to draft your letter. Begin your letter by mentioning that you spoke with the recruiter at the career fair. Include the specific name of the career fair and the date it was held. You can also add the details from your conversation that you mentioned in your initial thank you email.[15]
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    • If anything has changed since you sent the thank you email, add that information to the first paragraph. For example, if the recruiter recommended that you talk to a department head in the company, you could let them know that you reached out to that person.
  4. Highlight skills and experience that would be valuable to the company. In the second paragraph of your letter, talk about how you would be an asset to the company in the position you're seeking. Include soft skills, such as leadership or self-motivation, to round out this paragraph.[16]
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    • For example, you might state that you are proactive and self-motivated, then note how you spearheaded a volunteer program to walk dogs in your local animal shelter as an example.
  5. Close your letter with a "call to action." For the last paragraph of your letter, let the recruiter know what you're going to do next or what you want them to do in response to your letter. Provide a date by which you'll follow up again.[17]
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    • For example, if you're anticipating an interview, you might let them know when you would be available by saying "I would like to discuss this opportunity with you in person. I am available Thursday and Friday afternoons after 2:00 p.m."
  6. Proofread your letter carefully before printing and signing it. If you send a letter with typos and grammatical errors, your effort may backfire. Reading your letter out loud can help you notice grammatical errors and spots where the phrasing is awkward.[18]
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    • It can also help to have a friend, instructor, or school advisor read over your letter. They can give you tips on how you can make it stronger and more persuasive.
  7. Enclose a copy of your resume. Read through the resume you previously sent to the recruiter and update it to account for any changes. Then give it another proofread before you print it up.[19]
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    • Print your resume on quality resume paper. You can find this paper online or at office supply stores. You might also want to print your letter on the same paper.



  • Organize all of the business cards, brochures, and other information you receive at the career fair so you can access what you need easily. Creating a spreadsheet of potential leads may help you keep track of the contacts you've made and when you need to follow up.[20]
  • Since handwritten cards are rare, a handwritten thank you note on professional stationery can really help you stand out from the crowd in the recruiter's mind. Just make sure your handwriting is neat and legible or this idea could backfire.


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