How to Disinfect Public Surfaces

Keeping yourself safe from bacteria and viruses is always important, but especially now during the COVID-19 outbreak. Whenever you go out in public, you’ll encounter bacteria and viruses everywhere, especially on the surfaces you touch. While your body’s immune system can fight off many of these infections, you can take extra steps to protect yourself by disinfecting public surfaces. With some portable cleaning products, you can quickly wipe down surfaces and keep germs off your hands.


[Edit]Using the Right Cleaners

  1. Use undiluted alcohol to kill most germs. Isopropyl alcohol at a 70% concentration can kill most germs, including the COVID-19 virus. Get a bottle from any pharmacy or supermarket and apply it to the surface you want to clean. Let it sit for 30 seconds and then wipe it away with a paper towel.[1]
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    • Try loading the alcohol into a small spray bottle to carry around with you. Be careful and make sure not to spray it on anyone while you're cleaning.
    • Use the alcohol undiluted, otherwise it won't be strong enough to disinfect properly.
  2. Make a 1% bleach solution for deeper cleaning. Bleach is a stronger cleaner used in hospitals and other commercial settings. Dilute it by mixing 1 part of bleach with 99 parts of water. Mix and load the solution into a small spray bottle to use on surfaces.[2]
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    • If you're using a bucket to clean, add of bleach and then fill the rest with water for a 1 to 99 solution.
    • Never mix bleach with anything except water. Other chemicals could create toxic fumes. Don't use it undiluted.
    • Bleach can stain fabrics, paint, and some plastic, even if it's diluted. Only use it on metal or tile.
    • Let the bleach solution sit for 10 minutes before wiping it off from the surface.
    • After 24 hours, homemade bleach solution will lose potency and expire. Once this happens, discard the remaining solution by pouring it down the drain.[3]
    • If you're cleaning a contaminated surface, like one with blood or feces on it, use a 1 to 49 parts mixture instead. For the bucket, add of bleach instead of .
  3. Apply undiluted hydrogen peroxide for another cleaning method. Peroxide is also effective in killing bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19. It's widely available from pharmacies or supermarkets. Apply it to surfaces undiluted and wipe it off with a paper towel.[4]
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    • The peroxide might foam a bit when it hits air. Don't worry, that's normal.
    • Peroxide is gentler on surfaces than bleach, but it can discolor some fabrics. Only use it on hard surfaces like plastic, metal, tile, or wood.
  4. Use commercial cleaners that have alcohol, peroxide, or chlorine. There are many commercial cleaning products available, like Lysol and Clorox. The advantage of commercial cleaners is that they usually smell nicer than plain alcohol or bleach, and are also less likely to damage surfaces. The strongest types include alcohol, peroxide, or chlorine, which are effective for killing most bacteria and viruses. Get a product with these ingredients.[5]
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    • Most Lysol and Clorox products are EPA-approved disinfectants. You can't go wrong with these.[6]
    • Always follow the application instructions on any products you use.
  5. Keep disinfectant wipes in your pocket or handbag. Many companies make disinfecting wipes in small pouches, and they’re perfect for disinfecting surfaces when you’re on the go. Get a small container that you can leave in your bag, pocket, or car and access easily.[7]
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    • Look for products that have hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or chlorine compounds as active ingredients. These are most effective for disinfecting surfaces.
    • Baby wipes or flushable wipes are not disinfectants. Only get products that the EPA has approved for disinfecting.
  6. Use disinfectant spray if you don’t need something portable. Most of the companies that make disinfectant wipes also make sprays that use the same ingredients. These are useful around the home, office, or other places where you don’t need portability. Remember to keep paper towels or napkins nearby to wipe down anything you spray.[8]
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    • This is a good option for your office. You can keep the spray there and save the portable wipes for when you’re on the go.
    • You can also load a plain disinfectant like alcohol into a spray bottle for a homemade version.
  7. Avoid mixing your own cleaning products or using natural remedies. Some websites claim that essential oils and other natural products are good disinfectants. However, they are not effective and won’t kill all of the bacteria and viruses on surfaces. Avoid these products and only use EPA-approved disinfectants.[9]
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    • Some products reputed to act as disinfectants are tea tree oil, vinegar, and vodka. None of these are effective.

[Edit]Wiping Down Surfaces

  1. Apply the cleaning fluid to the surface and let it sit as long as the package recommends. Whether you're using wipes or spray, simply take your cleaner out and apply it onto surfaces. Different solutions take varying amounts of time to disinfect the surface, so let it sit for the appropriate time before wiping it off.[10]
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    • Let bleach solution sit for 10 minutes. This makes it less practical to use on-the-go, but good for locations that you'll be at for a while.
    • Alcohol and peroxide should sit for 30-60 seconds. This makes them more practical for on-the-go use.
    • Commercial cleaners have different instructions for how long they should sit. Lysol has to sit for 1-3 minutes, for example. Check the directions on the product you use.
    • If you’re using a spray, be careful and courteous. Don’t let any of it drip onto the floor or spray someone nearby.
  2. Wipe off the cleaner in a circular motion. After the fluid sits for the recommended amount of time, you can wipe it off. Use a clean paper towel and wipe in a circular motion to work off any remaining germs.[11]
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    • If you used a wipe, you can let the fluid evaporate on its own without wiping it off. If the surface is too wet, then dry it with a clean paper towel.
  3. Wear gloves if you’re cleaning large or very dirty surfaces. If you’re cleaning a countertop, table, or similar large area, or a surface is very contaminated, then you could get germs or chemicals on your hands. Put on a pair of disposable rubber gloves when cleaning these surfaces and leave them on until you’re finished. When you’re done, throw them in the trash.[12]
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    • Don't touch anything with your contaminated gloves or you could spread germs. Pull them off without touching your skin with the outside of the glove. Follow the CDC guidelines on safely removing gloves here:
    • You could also use reusable gloves, but make sure you only use those gloves for cleaning. If you use them for other tasks, you could spread germs around.
  4. Throw the wipes in a marked trash can. When you’re done cleaning the surface, find the nearest trash can and throw the wipe or paper towel in. This prevents litter and pollution.[13]
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    • If you’re in a hospital or similar medical building, there may be specific bins for used cleaning supplies. Keep an eye out for one of these.
    • Don’t throw paper towels or wipes into the recycling bin. They’re soiled with chemicals and can’t be recycled.
  5. Wash your hands as soon as you can afterward. Disinfecting surfaces helps you avoid germs, but it isn’t a replacement for washing your hands. When you can, go to the bathroom and wash your hands. Lather your hands up with soap and water and scrub for 20 seconds. Remember to cover the front and backs of your hands up to your wrists, as well as your fingernails and between your fingers.[14]
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    • Washing your hands after disinfecting is also important because some of these chemicals will irritate your skin if you leave them on without washing them off.
    • Do not touch your face at all until you’ve washed your hands thoroughly. You could spread germs or chemicals to your face.

[Edit]Disinfecting the Right Things

  1. Clean high-touch surfaces like shopping carts and faucet handles. If you're out in public and need to use something that lots of other people use too, be sure to disinfect it first. Shopping carts, taps or faucets, elevator buttons, railings, and water fountains are all commonly-used items that could have germs on them. Sanitize the item before touching it and wash your hands after using the item, too.
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  2. Wipe down doorknobs, handles, and light switches before touching them. Places that people touch often are usually the dirtiest. Doorknobs, handles, and light switches are some of the dirtiest public places because people touch them all day, and many probably haven’t washed their hands. Disinfect these surfaces before you touch them, or wash your hands soon afterward.[15]
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    • If you work in an office, it’s a good idea to wipe down the doorknobs at the end of every day to keep them clean.
  3. Sterilize any handles on public transit that you grab. Surfaces on public transit are usually very dirty, so you should disinfect anything you touch here. In particular, wipe down any handles or bars that you have to hold on to during the trip.[16]
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    • Public transit might be crowded, so be courteous if you’re wiping down a surface. Work fast and don’t drip fluid on anyone.
  4. Disinfect any devices with a touch screen. ATMs, credit card machines, or self-checkout machines all have touch screens that many people use. Disinfect these surfaces before you use them.[17]
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    • Never spray any cleaning fluid directly onto a touch screen; excess moisture can cause expensive damage. Instead, dampen a paper towel with 70% alcohol solution or another disinfectant.
    • Make sure the touch screen is completely dry when you're done.
    • If you don't have any disinfectant handy, use the touch screen anyway; afterwards, clean your hands with soap or hand sanitizer.
  5. Clean keyboards and mice before you use them. Both at home and at work, computers usually hold a lot of bacteria. Protect yourself by wiping down the keyboard and mouse before you start working.[18]
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    • Don’t spray any cleaning fluid directly onto a keyboard or the moisture could damage the electronics. Either use a wipe or spray a little cleaning fluid onto a paper towel.
  6. Sanitize any items that you share with others. Whether in the office or at home, there are probably several items that you share. These might include phones, pens, remote controls, highlighters, and any other loose items. Always give these a spray or wipe before you use them, and then wipe them down again when you're finished.[19]
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    • Avoid using disinfectants on anything that might be used or touched by children. Most disinfectants are toxic, so soap and water should be used instead.[20]
    • Until the COVID-19 outbreak passes, it's best to stop sharing items just to be safe. If you can't avoid it, then disinfect items that others have touched.
  7. Use a light spray on soft surfaces. Fabrics or other soft surfaces on chairs or couches are a bit more difficult to disinfect. You can use the same products you'd use on other surfaces, but only use a small amount so you don't soak the fabric. Apply a light spray or gentle rub from a disinfecting wipe. Let the cleaner sit, then wipe the surface dry with a paper towel.[21]
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    • Contrary to what you might think, the COVID-19 virus, and most other viruses, don't live very long on soft surfaces. You're more likely to pick up viruses from solid surfaces like doorknobs.[22]


  • If you don’t have time to disinfect every surface you encounter, then wear disposable gloves when you’re out in public. Make sure you dispose of them when you get home.
  • Remember that a visual check is not a good judge on whether or not you should disinfect a surface. Bacteria and viruses are microscopic, so a surface can be infected even if it doesn’t look dirty. It’s best to disinfect all surfaces that people touch often.
  • Clean your phone often as well. Bacteria and viruses can colonize this surface as well.


  • Although there are germs everywhere, you shouldn’t let that stop you from going outside or enjoying your life. If you find yourself avoiding public places because you’re afraid of germs, you may have some kind of phobia. Consider speaking with a therapist to overcome your fear.

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