Many animal shelters have had to close to the public due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), which limits the number of volunteers and makes it more difficult to care for all of the animals. If you want to support your local animal shelter during these tough times, there are many things you can do to help. If you have the space and time to look after a new pet, you may be able to take one home even if it’s only temporary. Otherwise, you can always see what sorts of donations you can make to support the shelter and their staff.
[Edit]Taking Care of an Animal
- Choose to adopt an animal if you want to keep it permanently. Many shelters are offering expedited or reduced-cost adoptions to make more room at the shelter for other animals. Adopting is also a great way to get a new companion if you’re feeling lonely at home. Just make sure that you’re prepared to take care of an animal long-term and that you’ll be able to afford the cost of food, pet supplies, and vet bills in the future.[1]
- Your local shelter may not allow adoptions during the outbreak, but they may pre-approve you so you can adopt as soon as they reopen. Call them to find out their adoption policy.
- Be sure to choose a species or breed that fits well in your family and lifestyle if you plan on adopting. For example, if you have children, you may want a friendly and affectionate animal, such as a bulldog, golden retriever, or Labrador retriever for dogs and Maine Coon, Siberian, or Manx for cats.
- If you want a more independent pet, choose a cat instead of a dog since you won’t have to let them outside throughout the day.
- Foster a pet if you only want to take care of it short-term. If you’re under a stay-at-home order, you may have more time to take care of an animal that you wouldn’t normally have. Many foster programs during the coronavirus only last for 2–4 weeks so you only have to take care of the animal temporarily. While it may only last for a short time, you may even be able to adopt your foster animal if you connect well with it and want to keep it.[2]
- Typically, you can foster around 1–3 animals from a shelter at a time but it may vary.
- Many times, the shelter will provide you with supplies to take care of a foster animal, but they may be limited due to the coronavirus.
- Even if you don’t have the room for a larger animal like a dog or cat, you may be able to foster smaller caged animals, such as guinea pigs or rats.
- Call the shelter to see what animals they have available. Many people are looking to adopt or foster animals, so you may have to wait on hold for a few minutes. Tell the shelter what sort of animal you’re looking for. The shelter may ask questions about if you’ve owned pets before or if you’ve had experience with animals to ensure you’re able to care for an animal properly. Listen to the descriptions of the animals they have available so you can pick one that fits your lifestyle.[3]
- For example, avoid getting an active dog, such as a German shepherd or lab, if you won’t be able to take it out for regular exercise. You may choose a smaller breed or a cat instead.
- If you currently have other pets, let the shelter know since some animals may not get along with others.
- Since many animal shelters have closed or reduced hours, they may have specific times where you can call them. Check their website or social media pages to see if they changed their hours.
- Many shelters also have websites with pictures and behavioral descriptions of the available animals so you can see what they look like and learn how they interact with others.
- Fill out an application for fostering or adopting. If the shelter thinks you’re fit for adoption or foster care, they may ask you to fill out an application or paperwork online. Each shelter has its own adoption form, so only use one they send you or one that’s on their website. Fill out all of the fields honestly, which usually includes your name, address, the type of home you live in, and any other pets you have. Submit the application through the shelter’s website or email and wait to hear back from them to see if you’ve been approved.[4]
- You may not have to fill out another application if you’ve adopted or fostered animals from the shelter in the past.
- If you live with other people, make sure that everyone in your household is okay with you adopting or fostering an animal.
- If you live in a rental property, ask your landlord if it’s okay for you to have a pet. You may need to make an additional deposit or pay an extra fee every month.
- Get basic pet supplies if the shelter doesn’t provide them for you. While many shelters will provide supplies for foster care, you may need to buy some of your own if they don’t have enough. Get food and water bowls, a bed, food, a carrier, treats, and some toys to help the animal feel more comfortable in your home. If you aren’t sure what supplies you need, talk to the shelter since they can give you recommendations.[5]
- Call your local pet store to see if they’re open. Otherwise, you may need to order the products online.
- If you’re getting a dog, then get a collar, leash, and grooming brushes.
- If you’re taking care of a cat, you will also need a litter box and cat litter.
- You may need cages, bedding, or food pellets if you’re taking care of smaller animals, like rabbits or guinea pigs.
- Schedule a time with the shelter to pick up the pet. To limit the spread of coronavirus, many shelters are closed during their regular hours and will only complete adoptions and fosters by appointment. Choose a time earlier in the day so you have time to bring the animal home and let it get familiarized. Drive to the shelter to complete any additional paperwork and to pick up your new companion.[6]
- Avoid going out if you’re feeling sick or have symptoms of coronavirus.
- Some shelters may be able to drop the animal off if you aren’t able to pick it up yourself.
- Keep the pet away from outside people and pets. While coronavirus isn’t known to transmit from animals to humans, it’s still being researched so try to keep your distance from other pets and their owners. However, it’s okay for your new animal to interact with pets you already have. When you let your animal outside, keep it on a leash or lead so it can’t run away.[7]
- If you end up getting sick with COVID-19, avoid petting, snuggling, or sharing food with your animals, and wash your hands before and after you interact with them.
[Edit]Donating Your Time and Supplies
- See if you can volunteer at the shelter to help out. If you’re feeling healthy and haven’t been exposed to coronavirus, you may be able to assist the animal shelter with their day-to-day operations. Call the shelter and ask if they’re accepting volunteers and how you can help them out. They may have you fill out an online application or schedule a time for you to come in so they can meet you.[8]
- Many shelters aren’t accepting volunteers to help limit the spread of coronavirus, so always call ahead or check the shelter’s website.
- Check if your local shelter has a wish list of supplies they need. First, check the shelter’s website to see if they have links to a wishlist since they may have picked out specific items that they need. If you don’t see a wishlist on their website, try giving them a call and asking to see if they’re running low on supplies or what they could use the most.[9]
- Buy cleaning supplies to help keep the shelter sanitary. On top of cleaning up after the animals, shelter employees also need to disinfect to limit the spread of coronavirus. Get cleaning products that have been certified by the EPA to kill COVID-19, or look for a solution that has at least 70% alcohol. You can also send paper towels, cleaning cloths, and garbage bags so the shelter doesn’t run out and get messy.[10]
- You can find a list of effective disinfectants here:
- Check the labels on the cleaning products to make sure they’re safe to use around animals.
- Get pet food to help feed the animals. Try calling your local shelter to see what kind of food they need the most. Choose a variety of dry dog and cat foods, wet canned foods, and milk or formula for kittens and puppies. If the shelter also takes care of small animals, like rabbits and guinea pigs, pick up some food pellets or feed as well.[11]
- Avoid giving pet food that’s already been opened or used so you don’t spread any form of contamination to animals in the shelter.
- Give clean blankets and towels to help comfort the animals. Animals in shelters can sometimes feel stressed or anxious, but soft blankets and towels can make them more relaxed. You can buy new blankets or wash some old ones you have at home before donating them. Opt for fleece or plush fabrics to make the animals feel the most comfortable.[12]
- Some shelters may not accept blankets or towels to help limit the spread of coronavirus. If you find some old ones in your home, save them until the shelter reopens to the public before donating them.
- Collect toilet paper and paper towel tubes to use for small animal toys. Rabbits and guinea pigs love to chew on things, and cardboard tubes are perfect for enriching their lives. After you use the last sheet of toilet paper or paper towel, save it in a shoebox or another container so you can collect them. Once you have a full box, donate it to the shelter so the small animals can have toys too.[13]
- Some cats and dogs will also play with cardboard tubes, but call your shelter ahead of time to see if they allow them as donations.
- Make homemade toys if you want to do something crafty. Even if you don’t have money to spend on new pet supplies, you may be able to reuse old materials as pet toys. For example, you can tie strips of fleece through the holes of a rubber sink mat to make a snuffle mat for dogs and cats to sniff around in. You can also sew small fleece pillows with some catnip inside to keep cats entertained.[14]
- If you don’t have time to make toys, you can also buy them from a pet store or online.
- Send the supplies directly to the shelter to help limit physical contact. Look up the address for the animal shelter and use it as the shipping address for any online orders. Otherwise, send your items in a care package using the post office or a delivery service. That way, you don’t have to leave home or put yourself at risk of getting coronavirus.[15]
- Some animal shelters have outdoor drop-offs so you can take the supplies there yourself. Call the shelter to see what delivery method they’d prefer.
- Look for an online donation page if you’d rather give money. Even if the shelter isn’t accepting physical donations, they may still have options to support them financially. Look on their website to see if there’s a link that says “Donate” or something similar. Give as much money as you’re comfortable with to show your support and help keep the animals safe.[16]
- Although it hasn’t been reported that pets can catch COVID-19, it’s still recommended to limit your contact with animals if you have coronavirus just in case. If you feel sick, avoid contact with any pets, which includes petting, snuggling, sharing food, and being kissed or licked. If you’re the only one able to take care of your animal, wash your hands before and after interacting with it.[17]
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